Interactions API
buyer's guide
With an Interactions API, businesses can now create the highest quality chat, voice or video experiences and scale quickly without having to worry about server maintenance, performance, or security.
What is an interactions API?
Digital interactions have only become more crucial in 2020, with social distancing and sheltering in place moving us all to connect online. More than 5 billion people chat worldwide through some sort of messaging app — and over 90% of users agree that video calls improve connectedness.
Consumers have come to expect an intuitive, modern chat, voice and video experiences. Without an interactions API, it would be a serious challenge for a business not focused on chat, voice or video to create a product that could compete with interaction experiences that 80% of adults use every day.
Inside this Interactions API Buyer's Guide, you will find the insights to help you understand:
The benefits of an interactions API: chat, voice, and video
Project scope: implementing chat or voice & video using an API
How does an interactions API fit with your technology?
Executing a successful rollout for chat, or voice & video
Learn how to drive more engagement and gross transaction value with in-app messaging
Whether they’re hailing a ride, ordering a
burger or moving a couch, today’s consumers
expect near-instantaneous service and on-
demand messaging at their fingertips.
In this mobile world, user experience is king.
Customers want personalized, convenient
relationships with their favorite brands. Ideally,
these experiences also require little to no friction.
But from technical errors to traffic jams, your
company can’t control every variable. That’s where
in-app chat and messaging can make the